With an emphasis on wildlife and Southwest themes, Lynn is dedicated to fine art rendered in oil or pastel. As a child, she had an unquenching urge to paint, with crayons being her favorite medium, even over finger painting! Today she paints in a variety of platforms but enjoys pastels best because they remind her of the crayons she used as a child. Lynn remarks, “I want others to see the beauty around us that I see. For example, many people view the desert as barren and lifeless, but life and beauty do flourish even in this hostile environment. Through my art, I hope to give them an awareness that they never had, to enjoy everything in a new way. I paint those things I love. I hope others will love them too.”

Lynn’s art has been exhibited in New York, Dallas, Sacramento, Laguna Beach, Scottsdale, Coconut Grove Arts Festival, and the Los Angeles Art Expo. Her experience includes many years as a designer/fabricator of ornamental elements for fine restaurants, hotels, and casinos. The work scope has encompassed original design, graphics, sculpting, art, and unique artistic effects for signage, kiosks, plaques, logos, and architectural items.

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