The Bisaillon Brothers

Jbis Art is the vision of Jeffrey Bisaillon and Michael Bisaillon. The Brothers have been producing art for over 20 years in many genres. Jeffrey has always connected with the Abstract and Michael has always connected with symbology and thematic elements in pop art.

As the Brothers worked together ideas began to emerge involving Jeffrey’s love of the Abstract and modern art, and Michael’s love of symbols and the digital art process. Every idea and style of art the Brothers have a passion for would come to fruition and pave the way for the creation of many new Pop Art inspired works.

As new technologies emerge and become available artists must utilize them while at the same time respecting the artistic methods of the past. The brothers created a process where acrylic painting on both canvas and panel is combined with mixed media, digital photography and graphic design.

The brothers evoke an exciting commentary on the pop culture of today and the mid-20th century. New technology, iconicism, globalisation and social media are given a modern interpretation by combining acrylic painting with graphic design, vibrant colors and bold brushwork on both 2D and 3D canvases. The brothers have a unique, hands-on approach to creating their art. All of the pieces are mixed media and incorporate a range of mediums, including canvas, wood, paint, pen, resin, spray paint, digital imagery and even building materials.

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