What the heart wants – and what the heart needs- can be found in each Fabio Napoleoni painting. Nostalgia, sorrow, and moments that lift the soul are all there for the world to see and experience. The vivid colors and captivating characters invite you into an emotional ride that is welcomed by the mind and the heart, all created by Napoleoni. Simple landscapes set the stage to the value of emotional attachment that can be compared to no other. Influences from some of this century’s most celebrated artists are hard to find in his pieces but are drenched deep in the fabric of what puts a Napoleoni painting together.

Many events influenced Fabio’s artwork but none more than the traumatic events that followed the birth of his second child. His daughter, born with major heart abnormalities, had to face several surgeries to correct issues that could prevent her from having a future. Overwhelmed with his daughter’s issues and surrounded by an emotional sea of sorrow from other parents in the same situation, Fabio grew. While his wife and daughter slept, Fabio wandered the Children’s Care Unit’s halls looking for a spot where he could sketch out his thoughts. From these thoughts, a new form of creativity was born. The doors to Fabio’s heart were now open for the world to experience.

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